基本交通、預約、贊助資料/Basic Location, Reservation & Support Info:

1. 地址:台東縣鹿野鄉中華路一段377號(台9線350公里處)
1.Address:No.377, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Luye Township, Taitung County 955, Taiwan (R.O.C.), ( Place at 350KM of TW Provincial Highway NO. 9)

2. 預訂電話:0939-726-799(徐先生)。請於每晚八點前預約。
2. Reservation Telephone:+886-939-726-799(Uncle Hsu, Chinese only)Please make reservation before 8PM everyday.

3. 金額捐贈: 
你可以在離去之前,自己決定要支付的價格,甚至是支付方式。請參閱 倒地鈴新年祝願,及良心商店模式說明,詳細資訊請參閱 倒地鈴個人贊助與組織合作


3. Donation: You can pay the expense by any value you think, and anyway you prefer. Please chech here for further information.



一、經營理念 / Thoughts of the Heartseed

 (1) 倒地鈴:屋主徐杯杯期望提供所有過往旅人一個可以歇息的地方。他用心地把每一個訪客都當成自己朋友款待,也希望大家把這裡當成自己的第二個家。


「倒地鈴新年的願景。徐爸爸我願意用有限的生命,在能力的範圍內幫助別人。回報整個世界。這個世界才會成為溫暖且值得留戀的家園。為啟發青年明白善意的付 出,終會有回報。相信善良是人類共通的情感。手心向下是彌足珍貴的。若你接受了別人的幫助時,請不要忘記感恩。你們都是我驕傲的家人,撒播著愛,把愛撒播,結出幸福的種子遍撒大地,遍撒大地。」

 (2) 倒地鈴志工組織(暫名):原本只是因為認同徐杯杯的理念而共襄盛舉的一群人。現在除了這個之外,我們有了另一個夢想。台灣很美,因為有著太多美好的事物,在宣傳上反而失焦。我們期望能夠透過永續營運這個地方,以讓更多的單車客及旅人們都能有這第二個家。

  泰國以特殊的歌舞秀作為吸引國際旅客的賣點,台灣能否以「單車旅遊」,讓世人「來台灣騎單車」,作為台灣觀光行銷推廣的重點?似乎,也只有單車的速度,才 能讓人用更慢活的方式,去體會這個島嶼點點滴滴的平凡之美,還有當中最重要的人情味。若是如此,「倒地鈴」的存在就不僅僅是便利了更多的環島車友,他更能是一個實踐「單車旅遊」還有展現「台灣人情味」最美麗的載體,其獨立營運及延續也就更具指標性及重要性。而我們,期望能夠透過良心模式,延續倒地鈴的美麗,也讓世界看到真正的台灣之美!

 (1) Heartseed (Homestel): Uncle Hsiu, who is the housing owner, wish to provide a place to rest for people who travel around. He treat every visitors as his own friends. Therefore, everyone who came here could treat Heartseed housing as their own second home.

 (2) Heartseed Volunteers Org. (Temporary name): Originally, we're just some people who would like to support Uncle Hsu's dream. Now, we have our dream of Heartseed as well. Taiwan, our homeland, is so beautiful. However, plenty of scenes makes the promotion inefficiently. Therefore, our foreighn friends could not enjoy these wonderful things. 

  Tailand proote their country by focusing the special dancing performance. We wonder if Taiwan, could focus on "Bicycle tour-riding" as the way to promote? Actully, we can feel the pace of nature by the speed of bicycle only. We can feel the Taiwanese Humanity by it as well. If so, Heartseed Homestel may be the one which could support the bicycle riders, and show Taiwanese humanity. Its financial indepence and life-lasting is a neccesity. I do wish we can reach our dream. :)

二、倒地鈴特色介紹:服務介紹、人文風景、住宿須知、周遭環境及交通方式 / Specialities of Heartseed Homestel

 (1) 服務介紹

  a. 住宿:住宿約能容納50人左右(包含倒地鈴本體還有周遭一些可住宿的地方,如天主堂),如有大批人數住宿需求請洽徐先生。請注意,倒地鈴民宿僅提供簡單的住宿環境,若對於住宿環境需求較高者,建議可以參觀完倒地鈴民宿後移駕附近的優質民宿 

  b. 飲食:徐杯杯或是熱心人士會不時提供食材,訪客可以自行取用並料理。因為想讓這裡有家裡的感覺,徐杯杯亦時常會以簡單料理宴請來訪住客。 

  c. 衛浴:廁所兩間、浴室兩間。另有洗衣機一台。

  d. 單車道路救援:民宿備有簡單單車維修設備。

  e. 周遭景點導覽:徐杯杯可以提供當地景點的建議,若有空閒他也樂意代為導覽。但請勿讓徐杯杯過於操勞。

  f. 農村生活體驗:徐杯杯有一塊沒有使用的田地,提供想到鄉下種田的都市人體驗農村生活,待能適應後再自行買地。可以避免個人無法適應農村生活,而又需處理難以拋售的農村田地。

 (1) Service

  a. Lodging: About 50 people. If group demand is needed, please call us first. Please take note: Heartseed Housing only provides basic living place and simple meals. If you have higher demand on the living quality, please contact other nice housings near Heartseed housing. 

  b. Meal: Our friends and Uncle Hsu will provide ingredients continuously. Visitors can take and cook by themselves. In order to make Heartseed housing visitors home, Uncle Hsu usually invites guests by simple and natural meals cook by himself. 

  c. Sanitation: Toilet, Bathroom and hot-water shower facilities is well-settled there.

  d. Bicycle roadside assistence: Basic maintenance equipment is provided.

  e. Attractions navigation: Uncle Hsiu could provide suggestions toward local attractions. He is willing to be a navigator if he is free. However, please do not bother and tire him too much.

  f. Rural life experiencing: Uncle Hus owns an idle farm. He would like to provide it to every urbanite to experience rural life. It could avoid one situation that people who have already bought a farm, which is hard to sell, but cannot get used to rural life.

 (2) 人文風景


  a. 倒地鈴是由徐杯杯發起,歷經兩年無數熱心車友協助,一磚一瓦所共同建立而成。因此這個地方是由無數愛心所匯集而成。

  b. 溫馨開放徐杯杯期望營造一個家的氣氛,期望大家把這裡當成自己的家,所以此處的風格極為溫馨,卻又開放。

  c. 多元交流:正因為溫馨開放,所以能讓來自各地的背包客、車友齊聚,閒談交流。曾有一晚有六個不同國家的朋友齊聚倒地鈴。

  d. 過往車友故事瀏覽:許多過往住客也因為感受到倒地鈴民宿溫馨開放的氣氛,因此留下很多心情故事及足跡留念。

  e. 壁畫欣賞留念:熱心人士小芯等車友花費數日作畫,畫風輕逸可愛。來訪車友若畫功不錯亦歡迎施展,請先跟徐先生說一聲。

 (2) Humanity

  Compared with other housings or hostels, the most important capital of Heartseed Housing would be its scenery of Humanity. It shows the friendlines of Taiwanese!

  a. Joint Construction: Heartseed Housing is founded by Uncle Hsu and established by a crowd of entrusiastic Heartseed Friends in about 2 years. Therefore, it's a place where is full of love.

  b. Warm and open: These are 2 factors which Uncle Hsu would like to create and make here home.

  c. Plural interaction and communication: Because of factors above, It could make people to gather and share here. There used to be guests from 6 countries at one night.

  d. Stories sharing:  Because of the former, guests who visited here could be easily share their own stories. Therefore lots of stories sharing and waiting there for the visitors afterwards.

  e. Wall paints and other creations: Entrusiastic friends, like Nana, made many creations including wall paints there. If you would like to make your creations there, please contact Uncle Hsu.

 (3) 周遭環境及交通方式

  a. 鄰近鹿野鄉市中心,生活機能健全,有便利商店、超市、文具店、自助餐店等等。

  b. 交通方式:鹿野鄉公所交通說明台鐵鹿野站。

 (3) Environment and traffic

  a. It's near the center of Luye township. Train station, convenient stores, supermarket and restaurants are operated there.

三、住宿須知 / Housing Remindings

 (1) 住宿前請先與徐先生連繫,聯絡時間為早上六點至晚上八點。超過晚上八點請勿打擾徐先生睡眠。請儘量在晚上八點以前到達,若有意願協助倒地鈴建設,亦非常歡迎提早到達。

 (2) 各式住宿用品有時會有熱心人士提供,但消耗性用品如盥洗用具等請盡量自行準備。睡袋、棉被等亦有,但不能保證一定足夠。亦請發揮愛心,不要將徐杯杯以及熱心人士提供的住宿用品帶走。

 (3) 為了讓去的家人們可以有乾淨整潔的住宿環境,希望大家可以發揮愛心,自動自發維持環境清潔,不要把髒亂留在倒地鈴。

 (4) 關於住宿費用的部份,請參照最新的良心商店模式解說,另也請參考更詳盡的 倒地鈴建設。倒地鈴並不對來訪旅客設限,但我們期望來與我們結緣的家人能夠把這裡當作自己的家。回到家可以放鬆、無負擔,但家事卻也必須請家人們一起協助負擔。我們提倡家人間的互助,而不是搭便車的行為。


 (1) Please contact Uncle Hsu before check-in (Chinese only) from 8AM to 8PM. Do not bother Uncle Hsu after 8PM. Please arrive before 8PM if possible. You may arrive early to help the construction of the housing.

 (2) Living appliances will be provided by passionate family member. However, Please prepare comsumables such as sanitation appliance by yourself. bedding and pillow is prepared but it may not be enough always. Please do not bring the appliance out of the housing.

 (3) Please clean and maintain the homestel in order to make it always ready for next family members.

 (4) As for the living expense, please check the article Personal & Org. Support to Heartseed. Heartseed homestel do not limit its visitors. However, we do hope members who come do treat here as one's home. One comes back his home can relax himself for sure, but must share family work as well. Please take care of each other instead of being a free-rider.


四、民宿設施介紹 / Housing facilities Intro

 (1) 大門 / Gate


 (2) 外庭:徐杯杯停車處。空地。/ Outer-courtyard


 (3)內庭:心情分享書桌、閒聊長椅及住宿須知等。/ Inner-courtyard





 (4) 停車場及曬衣場 / Parking lot and sun-drying lot


 (5) 廚房:冰箱、洗衣機、流理台、餐桌 / Kitchen

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 (6) 女生房:通舖床位及更衣間 / Room for ladies: 1 big room

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 (7) 男生房:三房間加一內廳 / Room for Boys: 3 rooms and 1 inner-livingroom

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 (8) 浴室:2間。目前備有熱水。/ Bathroom * 2. Hot-water is prepared.


 (9) 廁所:2間。/ Toilet * 2


 (10) 其他及待規劃區域:屋後坡、豬舍、屋側空地。/ Other places waiting for planning: back-slope, Pig house and space beside the housing.

  (11) 民宿主體以外能運用資源:田地、鄰近的天主堂(住宿)、蝴蝶谷營地(住宿)。/ Other resources beside the housing: Farm, Church near here (Place for housing), campside at Butterfly valley (Place for housing)



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