

(倒地鈴前庭一景/A scene at Heartseed's forefront)

  大家好,我是倒地鈴民宿網誌的新朋友,小江 今年11月的環島,我很高興有機會能夠去單車環島客的聖地-台東鹿野倒地鈴寄宿一晚。那天晚上我跟車友夥伴們與徐杯杯聊到很晚,自己也覺得這裡真的是一個很不錯的地方,很希望自己也能貢獻自己的一些心力在這裡。因此,在結束了我的環島旅程之後;又過了一兩個禮拜,我決定也一起來幫忙弄倒地鈴民宿的網誌!除了跟原本開網誌的阿勳聯絡、討論並開始合作之外,我也另外找了自己的國中死黨-楊馬力,一起來幫忙弄這個網誌。我們希望,能夠藉由這個網誌的運作,使倒地鈴民宿變得更好!


1. 最基本的倒地鈴服務介紹及疑難解答,之後有時間我也會把相關介紹文件以英文版呈現。

2. 讓這裡變成各位車友們與倒地鈴民宿之間的聯繫,我們會定期跟徐杯杯聯絡詢問近況,或是需求物資,也讓公佈在這裡讓愛心人士捐贈。

3. 讓各位去過倒地鈴民宿的夥伴們,可以自由自在地在這裡表達對倒地鈴的關心。大家也可以互相交流,交朋友!

4. 另外任何有益於倒地鈴民宿運作的意見,也歡迎大家多多提供!我自己已經有一些點子,也與兩位夥伴們討論過,之後會放上來讓大家看。

  去過倒地鈴民宿的朋友都知道,那裡是我們的第二個家。 如果你累了,隨時歡迎你回到台東鹿野的倒地鈴民宿,如果時間上無法配合,也可以回來這個網誌看看。 大家若有任何想法或意見,可以集思廣益,請在底下回覆,我們均會盡我們所能,納入之後提供服務的考量!

   Hello everyone! My name is Nick, who is a new friend in Heartseed Free housing blog. It's my honor to visit Heartseed housing in the cycling tour this Nov., and we indded had great time with Uncle Hsiu at that night! Therefore, I decide to assist to handle this weblog !

  Below are few thoughts about what we may do in near future:

1. Q&A about Heartseed free housing. Chinese and English version are provided.

2. Assist to communicate  between Heartseed housing and Heartseed friends arounf the world!

3. Let Heartseed friends could express their feeling here continuosly and make friends here.

4. Any opinions about operation of Heartseed are welcomed! I would announce some afterwards.

  We know that Heartseed is our second home. If you feel tired and would like to find a peacefull place to rest, Heartseed and weblog welcome you at any time and anywhere! If you have any suggestions, please reply below for our further discussion!


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