1. 前言/Preface:
It's not easy to maintain Heartseed Free Housing. At first, Uncle Hsiu would not like to receive any fee. However, he found that some basic cost is still needed such as water & electronic fee. Uncle Hsiu is still not willing to charge by people. Therefore he listened to the visitors to set a sponsor box. He wish that friends who have more budget could support other friends. This would be a family member could do. All donations will support for the maintaince and construction of Heartseed Housing. We're looking for your support!
Heartseed free housing hopes that our friends who have more budgets could support to other family memebers, such as young bikers, young island-cycling travelers and Hope School in Miaoli.
2. 目前財務及運作狀況/Current financial and operating status:
(1) 2008年全年共支出約17萬餘元,共接待1700餘人,平均每人約花費100餘元。
(2) 2008年發票共對中1萬8千餘元。
(3) 目前徐杯杯手頭所剩資金已經不足,未來狀況很難預測,您對良心模式的協助推廣及配合,絕對有助於幫助倒地鈴民宿。
(1) In 2008, we spent about $170,000 TWD, received about 1,700 people. It cost about 100 TWD per people.
(2) In 2008, the TW purchasing invoice we reiceived from donators drawn about $18,000 TWD prize totally.
(3) The fund from Uncle Hsiu may be not enough to maintain Heartseed Housing. Your promotion toward "the model of Conscience Store" definitely benefits to the Heartseed Homestel.
3. 個人贊助辦法/Personal Support:
(1) 良心模式:請參閱倒地鈴良心商店模式說明。個人開銷估計如下:住宿50元。早、午、晚餐各50元;一天住宿兼三餐就是200元。但這只是純粹的建議金額。你可以在離去之前,自己決定要支付的價格,甚至是支付方式。你可以任何方式支付自己住宿的開銷,包括捐贈日用品、幫忙做家事、或是協助建設倒地鈴,這是為了將來更多的旅客,而永不停歇的工作。
(2) 金額捐贈:請匯款至 台東鹿野農會帳戶:00077220804660,戶名徐繞浙
(3) 物資捐贈:請寄至 台東縣鹿野鄉中華路一段377號 徐繞浙先生收
(1) Model of "conscience store": Generouly, we caculate the expense of the living here is about $50 NTD per meal, and $50 NTD as living expense per night. Totally $200 NTD. However, this is just a recommended value. You can pay the expense by any value you think, and anyway you prefer, including goods donation, assist the houseworks, or assist to build the hearseed, whch is a continuous work for more and more visitors, or our family members.
(2) Financial donation: Have no foreign service currently.
(3) Material support:Please send to " No.377, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Luye Township, Taitung County 955, Taiwan (R.O.C.), 95542 ", Note receiver's name "Uncle Hsiu" on the package top.
4. 需求物資/Demanded Material:
(1) 需求物資更新方法:車友可在此留言告知目前倒地鈴最新需求或相關資訊。
(2) 長期需求:
a. 住宿用品:如睡袋、棉被、毯子、蚊帳、枕頭、衣架等。
b. 盥洗用品:衛生紙、洗衣粉、香皂、洗髮乳、沐浴乳。
c. 食材:米、麵以及其餘任何食材。
d. 其他任何家庭用品。
e. 發票。對獎後全數轉由日常營運。
(3) 其他需求:
a. CD播放機。可以讓教會借宿時播放音樂等。
b. 帳篷。供住客使用。樣式如圖。
(1) Method of info update: You could reply below to update latest demand from Heartseed homestel.
(2) Long-term demand:
a. Living appliance: sleeping bag, bedquilt, wool blanket, mosquito curtain, pillow, clothes stand, etc.
b. sanitation appliance: toilet paper, washing powder, soap, facial cleanser, body cleanser, hair cleanser, etc.
c. food appliance: Rice, noodles or any other food materials.
d. Any other family appliance.
e. TW purchasing invoice: If we win the prize, we will turn it for the daily operation.
(3) Other demand:
a. CD player: For normal usage.
b. Canvas: Provided for visitors. Picture Link as the Reference.
5. 倒地鈴民宿組織合作企劃參考方案
合作層次(由淺到深) | 1. 傳播行銷 | 2. 專案行銷 | 3. 專案合作 | 4. 長期合作 |
定義 |
運用現有傳播管道協助雙方行銷 | 雙方以專案合作協助雙方行銷 | 雙方以專案合作,並單次提供贊助或協助獲利 | 雙方長期固定方式合作,提供贊助或協助獲利 |
合作方式 |
常態 | 專案 | 專案 | 常態 |
行銷合作/獲利協助 |
行銷合作(無獲利) |
行銷合作(無獲利) | 獲利協助(有獲利) | 獲利協助(有獲利) |
合作形式 |
網路及媒體行銷 |
協辦、合辦活動 |
協辦、合辦活動 |
任何形式 |
倒地鈴資源提供 |
1. 在粉絲專頁公佈合作訊息。 | V |
V |
V |
V |
2. 倒地鈴網站側欄之網站連結擺放合作單位網站連結。 | V |
V |
V |
V |
3. 倒地鈴Facebook粉絲專頁上設為粉絲專頁。 | O |
V |
V |
V |
4. 專文報導活動過程及花絮,並公佈於部落格及粉絲專頁。 |
V |
V |
V |
5. 倒地鈴民宿所有實體場地資源 |
O |
O |
V |
6. 倒地鈴網站側欄醒目處提示贊助相關資訊 | V | V | ||
合作單位資源分享 |
1. 將倒地鈴民宿網站連結擺放至組織網站首頁或相關頁面。 | V |
V |
V |
V |
2. 組織刊物或其他媒體刊登民宿消息。 | O |
V |
V |
V |
3. 簽訂特約合作民宿並協助常態推廣。 | O |
O |
O |
V |
4. 討論合作內容並完成分配事項 |
V |
V |
V |
5. 直接贊助 |
V |
V |
構想/進行中企劃 |
與多個相關網站或粉絲專頁洽談行銷合作中。 |
1. 倒地鈴背包客大會師 2. 紅葉棒球邀請賽。 |
1. 企業員工公益旅行,提供住宿安排。 2. 環島活動舉辦之住宿安排 |
1. 企業提供贊助,並可在民宿空間推廣品牌。 2. 在民宿開設小吃店或其他服務,所得一部分歸倒地鈴。 |