This page consist by 2 parts. The first and second part is the list of scene spots and housing in Luye, Taitung. The third part is the list of all conscience housings service aroung Taiwan. You could stay there without troublesome process requests. If you know other simuliar housings in Taiwan, please reply below. We will put it in this list.
一、鹿野周遭景點/Attractions Intro
1. 台東牧童呆人:非常完善的台東旅遊資訊部落格。A professional Blog for Taitung travel. (Chinese)
2. 鹿野鄉公所:官方提供之旅遊資料。 Official local travel info.
3. 新浪休閒生活:網路介紹。Luye Intro by media. (Chinese)
4. 台東縣觀光旅遊網:官方網站。Taitung Official Website for Travel
以下景點群從北到南依序排列 / The following scenery is listed from North to South.
關山鄉 / Guanshan Township
(01) 關山親水公園(Guanshan Water Park)、關山米(Guanshan Rice)
鹿野鄉 / Luye Township
(02) 雷公泥火山(Thunder Fire Mud Volcano)
(03) 武陵永德綠色隧道(Wuling Green Tunnel):單車道(Bicycle Lane)、武陵外役監獄農場(Wuling Jail Farm)、武陵幽谷(鹿寮溪上游)(Wuling Valley,upstream the Luliao River)、武陵吊橋(Wuling Drawbridge)、武陵部落(Wuling Tribe)
(04) 二層坪月世界(Two Level Ground, Moon World):新良親水公園(Sinliang Water Park)、新良河階(Sinliang river Level)、新良人工溼地(Sinliang Wetland)、卑南溪泛舟(Boating at Beinan River)
(05) 福鹿茶休閒觀光茶區(Luye Stage Tourist Tea Garden):福鹿茶(Fu-lu Tea)、鹿野高台(Luye Stage)、飛行傘(Flight Ground)、滑草(Grass-skiing)、阿度的店(Adu's Store)、飛魚卵香腸(sausage with flying fish's egg)、永安農特產展售中心(芬蘭原木屋)(Finland Stock House of Yung-An)
(06) 龍田村(Longtien Village):移民村(Immigrant Village)、大地棋盤(Land Chessboard)、蝴蝶村(Butterfly Village)、慈濟苦煉樹(Tzu-chi Tree)、龍田自行車道(Longtien Bicycling Lane)、龍田國小百年古木群(Old Trees with Hundreds years)、鹿野大圳馬背調整池水利公園(Luye Irrigation Park)
(07) 鹿野村(Luye Village):倒地鈴民宿(Heartseed housing)、福祐宮(Fu-you Temple)、 遠眺都蘭山景(美人山、臥佛山)(Scenery of Duran Mt., Beauty Mt., Buddha Mt.)
(08) 鹿鳴橋(Luming Bridge):舊鹿鳴吊橋(Old Luming Drawbridge)、脫線牧場(新鹿鳴橋旁)(Tuosiang Farmhouse)、鹿野河階(新鹿鳴橋下往鹿野方向觀看)(Luye River Level)
延平鄉 / Yenping Township
(09) 布農部落(Bunun Village):蝴蝶谷及桃源川(鹿鳴溪上游)(Butterfly Valley and Tao-yuan River, Upstream of Luming River)
(10) 紅葉村(Red-leaf Village):紅葉溫泉(Red-leaf Spring)、紅葉少棒紀念館(Red-leaf memorial Hall for Teenager Baseball Cup)
(11) 初鹿牧場(Chulu Ranch)
(12) 山里車站(Shanli Station)
其他 / Others
(13) 農產品:鹿野鄉仍屬農業為主的鄉鎮,因此有著極為豐富的農特產品,主要作物以稻米、茶樹、甘蔗、鳳梨,其他尚有釋迦、枇杷、香蕉、梅、李、木瓜等作物,目前更有農民開始種植仙人掌紅龍果及水晶楊桃。可說是集全省各地農產品之精華。
(13) Agricultural production: Luye is still a township based on Agriculture with plenty of productions. It mainly produce rice, tea, sugarcane, pineapple, sugar-apple, loquat, banana, chinese plum, plum and papaya, etc. There will be cactus, Pitaya and crystal starfruit in the future. Luye collects all kind of agricutural productions in Taiwan!
二、鹿野周遭民宿/Housing around Luye
Before checking-in these housing, please do Heartseed a favor! Please tell the housing owner, you found here through the page of Heartseed housing. We would try to let our local friends know, what we pursuit is to cooperate with them, and then make more people experiencing the beauty of Luye and Taitung!
No. |
距倒地鈴 方位 |
民宿名稱/ 網站 |
地址 | 電話 | 特色 |
1. |
南方1.2公里處 | 台東涵園渡假別墅 | 鹿野鄉南三路115號 | 089-550-616 | 歐式庭園建築 |
2. | 西北方2.0公里處 | 連記茗茶 | 鹿野鄉高台路100號 | 089-550-707 | 茶葉文化體驗 |
3. | 西方2.1公里 | 詠情民宿 | 鹿野鄉光榮路317號 | 089-327-267 | 純木屋別墅 |
4. | 北方2.2公里 | 碧峰山莊 | 鹿野鄉永安路125巷56弄19號 | 089-550-058 | 佛教風格建築 |
5. | 北方2.3公里 | 玉米的窩民宿 | 鹿野鄉永安路75號 | 089-552-224 | 鄉土味民宿 |
6. | 西方2.5公里 | 萬曄蝶坊 | 鹿野鄉光榮路620號 | 089-550-972 | 蝴蝶特色 |
7. | 北方2.9公里 | 雁窩庭園民宿 | 鹿野鄉鹿寮路51巷5號 | 0937-389-953 | 清新庭園、輕鬆休閒 |
8. | 西方3.4公里 | 紫熹花園山莊 | 鹿野鄉南二路608號 | 089-550-617 | 中國六大古都貴族式建築 |
9. | 北方3.9公里 | 山川民宿 | 鹿野鄉中華路三段375號 | 089-550-715 | 蚊帳體驗營 |
10. | 西方4.4公里 | 舒適采屋民宿 | 鹿野鄉中華路一段70號 | 0988-246-880 | 住宿免費享受溫泉 |
1. 海風439 / Seawind 439
(1) 地點:台東大武,台九線439公里處
Location: Dawu, Taitung. Near the East entrance of Southern Highway. Place at 439KM, Taiwan Provincial Highway NO. 9.
(2) 連絡方式:0910-557471 (黃爸爸)
Contact: +886-910-557471 (Pico Huang. Support to English, Spanish, Bahasa Melayu, Phasa Thai, Japanese)
(3) 容量:10人↑
Capacity: more than 10 people.
(4) 可支援:盥洗設備、脫水機、簡易餐點。
Support: dewaterer, shower, bedding, basic meals.
(5) 限制:初訪單車客限定。
Limitation: Bikers only when you're the first time to come.
(1) 地點:花蓮市
Location: Hualien City
Contact method: Please leave message and make reservation in their blog first.
(3) 容量:Max 3 人,房間地板鋪巧拼
Capacity: Up to 3 people. One room with mat only
(4) 可支援:茶、茶、茶、單車知識常識、盥洗設備、洗衣機、寢具。
Support: tea, tea, tea. Basic bicycling knowledge. showerroom. bedding.
(5) 限制:限定單車客
Limitation: Bikers only.
3. 林小姐 Miss Lin
(1) 地點:台東知本知本路3段227號(店名是優西西小吃部,不是黑的啦!賣麵的小店) Location: No. 227, section 3, Jhiben Road, Taitung County, Taiwan (ROC) (2)聯絡方式:0986-933-979 Contact: +886-986-933-979 (3)容量:10人↑ 5個房間 Capacity: more than 10 people, 5 rooms.
4. 林小姐Ms Lin
(1) 地點:高雄市力行路(愛河旁)
Location: Lising Road, Kaushiung City. (Beside Love river)
(2) 連絡方式:liselin5964@yahoo.com.tw
Contact: liselin5964@yahoo.com.tw
(3) 容量:Max 4↑ 人 兩個房間/其中一房為上下鋪
Capacity: more than 4 people, 2 rooms.
5. 全台宮廟香客大樓列表/Pilgrim Service around Taiwan(Chinese Content)
6. 背包客棧:台灣便宜住宿攻略 (Chinese Content)