Wintter vacation is about to come, and Heartseed housing will be busy recently. Please, anyone who is interested to stay in Heartseed housing for few days, look through this notifications first!
1. 徐伯伯正在興建「茶亭」、「新的廚房」、「房間」,所以希望有空去的人可以多留個幾天幫忙一下噢!
Heartseed housing is constructing a tea pavilion, a new kitchen and a new room. Hope someone who will come could stay for more days to help these constructions!
2. 如果有要開車去的人,或是會開車經過的人,家裡如果有堪用的電鍋或其他家居用品(例如毯子等),可以帶過去;如果是要買新的就免囉!伯伯不希望大家破費!而且要買新的還不如贊助,就可以直接在鹿野購買需要的用品!
If someone who would drive to Heartseed Housing, you may bring some available household stuff here. No need to buy new. You may sponsor instead to buy any stuff which is needed.
3. 寒暑假是旅遊旺季,希望要去的人一定要事先通知伯伯,好讓他掌握人數。
It's very busy in Winter & Summer Vacation. Therefore, please notify Uncle Hsu first and he could control the quality of housing.
4. 一般平日的話,伯伯很歡迎大家去,尤其是家裡有老人家的話,若是在家無聊,也可以到倒地鈴去走走看看住住。
For other workdays, Uncle Hsu welcome everyone to visit! If there's some elder who feels bored home, he'she could come and stay for a period!
5. 有沒有人家裡有二手的貨車要賣呢?要貨車不要廂型車噢!因為伯伯說貨車可以載人、腳踏車、水泥…希望有消息的人可以直接跟伯伯連絡,希望可以便宜出售!:)
Is there anyone who has secondhand truck? Not a sedan! We could carry goods, bicycles and visitors by the former. If you have some info, please transfer it ti Uncle Hsu, and a cheaper price is needed!
6. 倒地鈴民宿經車友建議後新設置了一個「傻瓜英雄榜」!如果捐助超過1000
Suggested by Heartseed friends, we Heartseed Housing established a "Fool hero board" recently! If someone who donates more than $1000NTD or supports to the construction more than 1 day, they could name themself on the board...! This board is put behind the table in the kitchen! Our friends who is qualified could send your personal pic to Uncle Hsu, and he will put it on the board!
Finally, please enjoy the free atmosphere and beautiful scenery!